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Getting started in pond ownership can be a really fun activity but it’s not without it’s challenges. Beginners are faced with many things, not the least of which is questions about what they might need to care for their new pond, where should they put it, what’s used in construction, and what if I want fish? In this article, Debby Donald shares a few tips on what any new pond owner needs to know.
Creating a pond, or water garden, is progressively becoming more popular. There are many individuals who would love to start their own beautiful backyard rendition of an oasis, but do not know where to begin. However, there is work involved and it takes much more effort than just digging a hole, filling it up with water, and throwing in a few fish for good measure.
First of all, you need an exact plan to begin your water gardening project. This step is important, as it will permit you to incorporate other important objects like filtration into your pond idea.
Here are a few more tips for beginners.
Pond Supplies
Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer, or choose the pond kit route, there are essential pond supplies you will need. Those are:
1. a plastic or rubber pond liner
2. a waterfall filter
3. check valve discharge kit
4. spiral tubing
5. water conditioner
6. liner underlay
7. ultraviolet sterilizers (if green water develops)
8. netting
9. bacteria
10. magnetic-drive pump
Some of you may favor a particular type of fish, such as Koi. Koi ponds are normally created for more decorative, points of interest purposes. They should be especially designed to encourage the growth and healthiness of the Koi fish. The pond’s dimensions must be adequate enough to allow a four-foot Koi to swim around without any hindrances. It is important that Koi pond water is filtrated and exposed to air so that they have the best environment to thrive in as well. Ideally, the water temperature for Koi should be no less than 59 degrees Fahrenheit, and not more than 77 degrees.
The amount of your budget will determine the style and size of your pond. Building a water garden should be seen as an investment that adds value to your home. Securing your plans ahead of time will help to preclude missteps besides saving you time and expenses.
1. place your pond in a wet area
2. place your pond under trees with falling leaves that will pollute the pond
3. place your pond in areas with power cords below the surface
1. select an area that receives sunlight for a minimum of half a day
2. place the pond where is can be seen easily from the home
3. at all times utilize a GFI, ground fault interrupter, or circuit breaker
Since you might be adding animal life to your water garden, it is exceedingly vital to your fish survival that your pond is deep enough. This is to prevent all the water freezing in the cold winter months. The depth is usually from one foot to eighteen inches. The reason is that animals that live in ponds require a quantity of unfrozen water throughout the winter months. Ample water movement is critical to their longevity.
Shelves and shallow caves are perfect additional pond supplies if you plan to decorate with various plant species. The results are intriguing and they give a protected place for your fish.
Now that you have a few of the basics to start, your first ever water garden, take the time to do it well and you will enjoy the rewards.
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