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This might be a bit beyond the ability level of your typical do-it-yourselfer but we wanted to showcase how a really big backyard pond get’s put together. Warning: It may take some heavy equipment!
Seriously though, you have to love the look and design of this masterpiece. It was constructed at Aquascape headquarters and it’s design, as well as breadth, is impressive.
Here’s a few details on the build.
The construction used over 1500 tons of stone with some rocks weighing over 50,000 pounds.
It has several waterfalls ranging from 24 inches up to 10 feet high.
It holds 300,000 gallons of water with multiple pumps driving about 150,000 gallons per hour.
And this is just the raw numbers…the beauty is in the details!
This just goes to show, with a little creativity you can do just about anything. Well, it helps to have the right equipment, knowledge, and manpower too!
To learn more about this amazing project and view the various stages of construction, Acorn Landscaping’s Facebook page.
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