A New Chlorine Filter For Fish Ponds?

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Written By Mark Washburn

Mark has 20 years of experience as a professional pond management consultant.

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You don’t have to be involved with fish ponds very long to learn that city water ain’t the best water around. Granted it’s nice to have it in easy reach, and it’s been cleaned and processed to remove a lot of potentially problematic things that could harm folks. But for fish (and plants), it’s got some problematic things in it.

Most notably chlorine and chloramines.

These disinfecting chemicals serve a purpose as noted above, but they don’t belong in your pond…fish can die from pretty low concentrations, which is why pond care companies offer up both liquid and tablet products to dechlorinate your pond water. When shopping around you absolutely want to be sure that not only is the product rated for chlorine, but chloramines as well (like this one). It’s really the latter that’s the biggest problem…or maybe it’s better to state that’s a longer lasting problem.

Normally you can fill a pond with chlorinated tap water, and just let it sit…within 24-48 hours it will probably be gone…but chloramines are designed to hang around a lot longer…which is problematic when filling, or topping off a pond.

A few years back, I started using a filter called Pond Fresh and we sold this device for awhile…it worked well, and people seemed happy with it. I still get asked about it today. The filter was simple to use…it attached to a garden hose, and you could filter out tap water contaminants prior to going into the pond. But there were a few issues with it…for it to work right, the flow rate had to be pretty slow. 1.5 gallons per hour I believe was about right…and, as with any filter, there were limits on how many gallons it could process. These were some of the main reasons we stopped selling the device, but in the meantime we continued to look for alternatives.

Most recently we found one that may be worth checking out.

Per the specifications, the filter looks to handle 3x the flow rate of Pond Fresh and it’s gallon capacity seems to be higher too…cost wise, it’s less expensive. I suspect it will do a better job of filtering chloramines at a slower flow rate than it’s maximum. Use it in your garden, pond, RV, or where ever you need or want clean, dechlorinated water.

So all in all, this filter may offer another option to consider when dechlorinating your pond water.

I would have some chlorine test strips on hand, not only to make sure the water is safe for fish, but to test the output of the filter as time goes on. Eventually their effectiveness will drop some and you’ll want to keep an eye on that.

If you have any questions on the filter, be sure to post those on the product page.

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